Spelman college essay
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Sociology - The Comparative Method Essay Example for Free
Human science The Comparative Method Essay Sociologists have held onto what is referred to as the near technique as the most proficient approach to uncover underestimated realities or laws that individuals have received. Be that as it may, what is this relative technique and how can it work? Are there any focal points/inconveniences to uncovering these bogus certainties. What structures or varieties of the similar strategy exist? In the pages to tail I will endeavor to give you some knowledge and comprehension of what the near technique is, and how it works. The relative technique, basically, is the way toward looking at two things (for our situation social orders, or the individuals that make up society) and checking whether the aftereffect of the correlation shows a distinction between the two. The similar technique endeavors to dereify (the way toward uncovering misjudged standards. Standards that society think about regular and unavoidable attributes of human presence) reified (the human made standards or certainties) convictions. Clearly there are different manners by which a nomi (a marked, at some point developed, standard or truth) can be uncovered. Which type of the similar technique would it be a good idea for one to utilize notwithstanding? The appropriate response, whichever one applies to reality being referred to. For instance, you unquestionably would not do a cross-sex type of correlation in the event that you wished to uncover whether homosexuality has consistently been dreaded and looked downward on by the vast majority from the beginning of time. No, somewhat you would play out a chronicled examination of at least two distinct social orders to check whether these convictions consistently existed, or, regardless of whether this is a recently built conviction. Lets take a gander at minimal all the more intently at the previously mentioned chronicled correlation and perceive how the near technique functions with a particular model. There is no doubt that in todays western culture there is a great deal of dread and anxiety towards individuals who are named gay. The inquiry we will endeavor to reply anyway is whether it ha s consistently been this way and is this a well known fact. In antiquated Greek social orders individuals had a totally different assessment of men that laid down with men. For instance, it was viewed as a serious respect for a family with a little fellow younger than 10, to be given the benefit on a more established man of high society bringing their child into his home. The little youngster would proceed to live with this more established man. The more established man would have intercourse with the little fellow all the time until the kid created facial hair. It was not up to that point that the kid was viewed as a man. Society believed that a more seasoned keeps an eye on, of extraordinary notoriety, semen would enable the kid to form into a fine youngster. When the kid built up the facial hair, the sex between the two would stop. The more established keeps an eye on work was done. Clearly this would be viewed as an abominable and sickening act nowadays. The more seasoned man for this situation would positively go to prison for the wrongdoings that he had submitted. In any case, in Ancient Greece this was viewed as completely ordinary, however as I previously expressed, it was a respect and a blessing that few out of every odd kid was fortunate enough to be given. Consequently, we can finish up from this correlation that homophobia, as we probably am aware it, is certainly not a characteristic truth, nor is it a general conviction. Or maybe it is a socially built conviction that numerous individuals have underestimated as an inescapable piece of human presence. It is significant now to explain something be that as it may. It is said that the job of the humanist is a spellbinding one instead of a prescriptive one. In other words that the humanist ought to depict the different practices, customs and structures that exist in different social orders as opposed to recommend to individuals which one is really the right conviction or the genuine truth. Cross-sex examinations is another ordinarily utilized correlation used to uncover socially built fact s. In Carol Gilligans book In an alternate voice we locate a fine case of a cross-sex correlation. She expresses that the vast majority accept that most of individuals, the two people, see confidence issues similarly. In any case, through observational information assortment, Carol Gilligan presumes this isn't regularly the situation. Or maybe, she expresses that men will in general methodology moral issues uniquely in contrast to ladies. Where as men see spirit issues with a dont meddle with my privileges see, ladies center more around the duty end of the confidence in question. Subsequently we can close, on account of the similar technique, that the developed truth that all individuals see resolve gives the equivalent is definitely not a right one. Another brisk case of a cross-sex examination would be that of the house-spouse. Still today most men see the job of the wedded lady as one that includes being a house-spouse, in the customary feeling of the term. Be that as it may, ladies today surely would not see themselves in a similar way. The information gathered from a correlation, for example, this could help to dereify this socially built truth. Cross-class correlations is likewise an examina tion normally utilized when endeavoring to uncover built realities between two classes. for example lower-class, high society, white collar class. For a model I allude to my talk notes. Our teacher gave us a fine case of a cross-class examination including his own life. He was from a working class family and went to a state funded school where he engaged with different children from the center and lower class. He experienced childhood in this sort of condition and acknowledged it as the his life as the manner in which society might have been. To him, there was not another way of life. This was life. A few occasions happened and due to these occasions our teacher was moved, by his folks, to a tuition based school. This tuition based school and the new society that went with it brought about a type of culture stun for him. Out of nowhere he was set in another world, a world that he never at any point knew existed. As should be obvious, our educator socially developed the view that society resembled the one that he lived in when he went to his government funded school, spent time with center and lower-class companions, and did wha t center and lower-class kids did. Whenever he was managed the opportunity to contrast that sort of way of life with one of the high society he dereified his developed view and his eyes opened to another reality and another perspective on the manner in which society was. Another significant relative structure is that of the cross-generational. This one is genuinely straight forward. The name fundamentally says everything. Indeed, its much like the chronicled examination technique yet on an a lot littler scope. I accept that with the end goal for it to be named cross-generational, the ages that are being dissected must be inhabiting a similar time. Else it turns into a chronicled examination. Karen Anderson gives a case of a cross-generational correlation in her book Sociology : A Critical Introduction (1996, pg. 12). Canadians highly esteem their resistance and absence of preference. Be that as it may, we don't have to look far into our history to discover instances of underestimated understandings that have prompted biased and biased treatment. A few fragments of the populace have been named unfortunate and along these lines as undesirable or undeserving outcasts Anderson is calling attention to that the developed view in Canada is that we value the way that we have next to no partiality in Canada. She proceeds to call attention to this isn't at all the case. She gives the case of Canadas history of movement. She talks about the way that a great deal of Chinese individuals were permitted to move to Canada, a lot to the consternation of current inhabitants and as of now settled European migrants, during when the cross-country railroad was being fabricated. Sir John A. Macdonald was the Prime Minister right now and guarded his notoriety by telling the individuals of Canada, who were exceptionally upset by his activities, that the Chinese settlers would live in Western Canada just incidentally. To console the individuals further Macdonald said no dread of a lasting corruption of the nation by a mutt race. This would be viewed as terrible nowadays. Most Canadians would not understand that their nation was shut to the possibility of the migration of specific kinds of individuals. The social thought that Canada is, and consistently have been, an exceptionally open minded nation is uncovered as a bogus, developed truth through this cross-generational correlation. At long last we go to the last significant relative structure. That of the culturally diverse. Multifaceted correlation comprises of looking at two social orders or societies trying to uncover and uncover some socially developed certainties so as to demonstrate that they are not general but instead they are comparative with every general public. There are truly a huge number of contrasts between pretty much every culture that individuals would be most likely stunned to learn of. For the following model I will show how the culturally diverse near strategy dereifies a portion of the developed purported widespread certainties that individuals in our general public may have. India varies in its traditions significantly from that of Canada or Northern America. For instance, in Western Civilization families sit together when they go to chapel, in India this isn't adequate in any way. People must sit on inverse sides of the congregation. People in India generally won't eat together, though in Western human advancement it is a typical practice and is really viewed as a decent an ideal opportunity for somewhat family holding. In India it is viewed as inconsiderate to eat with two hands at the table. The privilege had is exclusively utilized for eating and the left for drinking. Clearly we have a totally unique practice in Western culture. Another stun that a Westerner may confront in the event that he/she were to head out to India would be the way that it is as yet thought to be a significant social inappropriateness for a man to try and contact a lady out in the open. In North America open presentations of fondness can been seen all over the place. . (Stott, John. Rational. 1980. Pg. 12-15) These are on the whole prime instances of Western general facts that are uncovered when co
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Theme of Sense and Sensibility
Presentation The most exceptional quality got from the novel, Sense and Sensibility, is the author’s profound infiltrating character examination. Jane Austen, the writer, explains all parts of human characters in every section of the book †qualities, shortcomings, wants, and limitations.Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on The Theme of Sense and Sensibility explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More She frequently makes bigger focuses about society through the depictions of her characters. The tale, as generally clear in its title, likewise means to show examination between the significant characters (who are sisters) characters. Elinor, the oldest sister, underscores the sense and reasonableness of the title, while her more youthful sister, Marianne, represents the absence of sense and reasonableness in her express absence of passionate control. Through them, the creator draws out the subject of sense and reasonableness by separating t heir attributes in their connection to the remainder of the characters. This paper investigates the subject of sense and reasonableness, and its absence, in subtleties and shows how every one of the characters hangs out according to the topic. The creator utilizes sense and reasonableness to explore through the characters and draw out their principle traits. The Theme-Sense and Sensibility The subject of sense and reasonableness comes out as the distinction of character between the two sisters, Elinor and Marianne. Their characters and associations with their neighbors cause to notice the peruser, as they contrast massively directly from the beginning of the story .In certain cases, the writer opens them to comparative circumstances deliberately; to show the peruser how every one of them would respond and whether they would be reasonable or let their feelings decide their dynamic capacity. Character Difference Austen utilizes Elinor to assume the reasonable job in the novel. Austenà ¢â‚¬â„¢s assessment of the remainder of her characters about co-happens with that of Elinor (Poplawski 17). She is socially mindful, self-taught, and sensible. In addition, she has understanding and the coolness of judgment, characteristics that draw reverence from Edward Ferrars. By picking, not to reveal to her sister every bit of relevant information about Willoughby’s admission, Elinor embodies sense. At a youthful age of nineteen, she is shockingly full grown for her age; she even offers insight to her mom (Allbery Para.4) . She is worried about her sister’s absence of sense and even suspects Willoughby’s aims with her. She guards Colonel Brandon to her sister, Marianne, and Willoughby when they start to preference and counterfeit him. She is upset when Willoughby comments that the Colonel strikes him as exhausting and unremarkable, when to her, he is reasonable and very much educated. She brings up that, â€Å"My protã ©gã ©, as you call him, is a reaso nable man; and sense will consistently have attractions for me†(Austen 50).Advertising Looking for basic composition on english writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More By this announcement, she straightforwardly shows the amount she esteems and respects sense. In addition, Elinor acknowledges Colonel Brandon’s honorability and hold, characteristics that Willoughby can't see because of his abhorrence for him. Willoughby straightforwardly shows his scorn towards the colonel by revealing to Elinor that, she can't preclude him the benefit from securing detesting him (Austen 51). This shows how Austen portrays Willoughby as too much reasonable. Marianne in actuality, is exorbitantly passionate and transparently negative; she has neither sense nor reasonableness. She is narrow minded, ridiculous, and genuinely frail. She even admits to her mom that she doesn't see herself finding a man whom she can truly adore (Aus ten 4). Marianne trusts to her mom that she doesn't comprehend why Edward has not stayed with them generally; she even, in her absence of sense, noticed that she is certain that Edward isn't well. Marianne’s own inclination for Willoughby over the colonel and its shocking outcomes uncover how inordinate reasonableness and appearance could cloud a person’s judgment of human character. She shows her enthusiastic shortcoming, which underscores her absence of sense and reasonableness, when she can't eat or rest after Willoughby leaves (Morland 63). She is upset and even becomes sick when Willoughby decides to wed another lady, activities that make her, and people around her, as hopeless as could reasonably be expected. Along these lines, through Marianne’s powerlessness to utilize good judgment when circumstances request in this way, Austen figures out how to feature the topic of absence of sense and reasonableness in this perfect work of art. Austen outlines her pe rspective on the predominance of judiciousness, reasonableness, and discretion over feelings. In spite of the fact that Marianne has succumbed to John Willoughby, she develops to adore the Colonel, a reasonable man. Elinor ceases from making a decision about different characters dependent on appearances alone and continually is by all accounts the one that has most extreme thinking and comprehension in character judgment. The book serves to advise the peruser the significance of becoming acquainted with an individual before being biased or critical. The way that Elinor is depicted as solid, doesn't really imply that she didn't have any emotions, however demonstrates how much discretion she had by not permitting them to bamboozle her (Austen 54). The creator gives her incentive for sense over reasonableness by deciding to give Elinor the upbeat end she merits when she inevitably weds Edward. Then again, Marianne whimpers all through the story (despite the fact that she changes toward s the conclusion) to show how absence of sense and reasonableness can influence an in any case a sensible person.Advertising We will compose a custom basic composing test on The Theme of Sense and Sensibility explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tone and Satire Austen has utilized parody in the book to catch the reader’s consideration and give an alternate type of diversion. Her satiric voice and her comprehension of human instinct are obvious, especially when she remarks on the job of Lady Middleton’s child. She considers him to be a focal point of consideration between the Dashwoods and the Middletons and brings him along so that, incase they come up short on comments, they would respect his magnificence and enquire of his name and age, questions which his mom would respond in due order regarding him. The tone in the novel is miserable. The demise of Mr. Dashwood’s sister leaves him upset and powers him to welcome Henry and his family to rema in with him. Marianne winds up being heart broken by Willoughby’s union with Miss Sophia Gray, while Mrs. Ferrars chooses to exclude her oldest child, Edward, leaving him in genuine budgetary troubles (Morland 87). Miss Ferrars repudiates her child for his expectation to wed Lucy Steele whom she considers of low social and monetary standing. Elinor discovers that she has been misguided and hoodwinked from the beginning about Edward’s influences after Lucy Steele concedes that she is promised to Edward. Elinor turns out to be incredibly heart broken on the distribution of Lucy’s commitment and becomes injured when she erroneously accepts that Edward has marry. All in all, Austen utilizes the story, Sense and Sensibility, to feature the significance of similar ethics. Elinor’s great sense makes Marianne completely change her and become sensible. Marianne utilizes feelings and lost interests to settle on choices and that is the reason she spends quite a whil e whining about everything around her. Austen, in this way, utilizes Marianne and Elinor to investigate the topic of sense and reasonableness and the absence of it thereof. She additionally utilizes parody to zest up the story despite the fact that she embraces a miserable note by including demise, hurt, and disaster in the story. As the story finishes up, it is apparent that, sense and reasonableness exceed the absence of the equivalent. Works Cited Allbery, Russ. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen book Review, 2010. Web.. https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/audits/books/0-14-010649-9a.html Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. Sothampton: Penguin Books, 2003.Advertising Searching for basic composition on english writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Morland, Perkins. Reshaping the Sexes in Sense and Sensibility. Virginia: Union Press of Virginia, 1998. Poplawski, Paul. A Jane Austen Encyclopedia. Conneticut: Greenwood Press, 1998. This basic composition on The Theme of Sense and Sensibility was composed and put together by client River Talley to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for research and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency Essay -- Drugs Social Issues D
Substance Abuse and Chemical Dependency Substance misuse is the ill-advised utilization of synthetic compounds that can modify the manner in which one’s psyche and body capacities (TCC). As a rule, these synthetic substances would be alluded to as a medication. Substance misuse can and may prompt synthetic reliance or compulsion. Reliance is the improvement of resilience to synthetic compounds which prompts side effects of withdrawal. Substance misuse is a procedure that mirrors a confused cooperation between the individual, the manhandled substance, and society (wikipedia.org). The main source of substance misuse or reliance is tranquilize use as a rule. If you somehow happened to ask a medication client to let you know for what reason they utilized medications, they would no doubt disclose to you that they use them to cause themselves to feel great. This could be a decent clarification, for drugs act principally on the limbic framework in the focal point of your brainâ€commonly alluded to as â€Å"the delight center.†(freevibe.com p1) Drugs are regularly ingested to modify one’s sentiments, or to assist somebody with adapting to a disaster, however the issue is, individuals can’t stay â€Å"high†for eternity. For Instance, sedate use doesn't change the circumstance. At some point or another, an individual must arrangement with their mishaps. A few people use medications to fit in or to conceal their frailties, yet many don't understand that medication misuse can segregate them from their loved ones. Certain individuals use them since they are exhausted and looking for energy, while others simply need to unwind or get away from pressure. Medication use is definitely not an effective method to get away from one’s ...
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Meade, George Gordon
Meade, George Gordon Meade, George Gordon, 1815â€"72, Union general in the American Civil War, b. Cádiz, Spain. Graduated from West Point in 1835, he resigned from the army the next year and became a civil engineer. In 1842, Meade reentered the army in the corps of topographical engineers. He served in the Mexican War and on various engineering projects. In the Civil War he was made a brigadier general of volunteers (Aug., 1861). In the Seven Days battles (1862), he was severely wounded at Frayser's Farm (or Glendale), but he recovered in time to lead his brigade ably at the second battle of Bull Run. In the Antietam campaign, in the battle of Fredericksburg (1862), and in the battle of Chancellorsville (1863) he distinguished himself further. Meade took command of the Army of the Potomac on June 28, 1863. Several days later he won the important battle of Gettysburg (see Gettysburg campaign ). This brought him a brigadier generalcy in the regular army. He was criticized, however, for not following up his victory. Meade commanded the Army of the Potomac until the end of the war, but Ulysses S. Grant really directed his army in the Wilderness campaign and subsequent operations. He was promoted to major general in the regular army on Grant's recommendation in Aug., 1864. After the war Meade commanded various military departments. See G. Meade, The Life and Letters of General George Gordon Meade (2 vol., 1913); biography by F. Cleaves (1960). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
About Thomas Jefferson actions - Free Essay Example
Thomas Jefferson is a Virginian native, whom served in the Virginia government before becoming president. He then became sectary of state, later becoming Vice President under John Adams in 1793. He then became the third president of the United States after the election of 1800. Thomas Jefferson had many positive and negative contributions during his term as president. The Negative contribution Thomas Jefferson had during his term as president as the Embargo Act of 1807. The United States inflicted this embargo on trading with foreign countries as a way to call attention to war. This was mostly directed toward Britain and France while the Napoleonic War was happening. Jefferson thought the embargo would be an honest substitute for war. Instead of harming more men and destroying more property, he could protect the respect of the country and flag. He also thought this would persuade France and Britain to take America seriously and respect their rights. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison made this act up based off of Republican beliefs that refused trading between Britain and the United States would prove a point. This act refused any type of American trade, which naturally caused many economic issues within the United States. This Embargo Act was not very popu lar either in the congresss eyes. Thomas Jefferson thought the people of America would go along with this act out of patriotism. If they did not follow this act it would seem as if they did not agree with the president, making them lack patriotism and love for their country. Jeffersons act was an expensive failure, and most still do not know the positive outlook it had on America still to this day. Not only was it a cost effecting failure, it caused export profits to plummet now more than ever. In just one year, the profits went down eighty-six million, and over twenty thousand were left jobless. As the water ways became vacant, many if not most did too. This resulted in million-dollar boats sitting in the harbors rotting, also being a cost affecting failure on Jeffersons part. Though the harbor areas were affected in a major way, the United States as a whole suffered. The farmers of America, mostly of the south, could no longer sell their crops due to the ban of international trading. The embargo was not just a money wasting act, it caused a lack of unity within the American people. All together it was a failure diplomatically and economically. The Embargo Act only lasted two years before the congress abolished it. Only three days prior to president Thomas Jeffersons last days, it was repealed. After the economic stress it caused America, congress restored a new act in replace of it. This act was called the Non-Intercourse Act, this restored trade with all nations except Britain and France. The Embargo Act had little to no positive consequences for America, and at the end of Jeffersons term he knew this. His comment toward his retirement support this, Jefferson said, Never did a prisoner, released from his chains, feel such relief as I shall on shaking off the shackles of power. By the end of the Embargo Act, new president Madison asked congress for the declaration to go to war. The congress did declare war upon Britain. Another example of why this act was a negative concept, and ironically it was used to call attention to war and it ended up causing one. Though Thomas Jefferson did have many positive projects he was a part of including the Louisiana Purchase and The Declaration of Independence, being a man in power he had his share of negative ideas, and the Embargo Act just happened to be one.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
The Profession Of Social Work - 1761 Words
When defining social work, the phrase â€Å"a helping profession†is used quite frequently. The profession is often misconstrued with promoting the distribution of welfare. Often times, this stereotype amuses me because social work is remarkably so much more. Not only do people fail to realize that social work is one of the broadest occupations that offers various work environments, but also they neglect one of the key goals besides the act of helping: empowerment. Yes, the profession of social work strives to provide the needy with physical resources to better improve their lives through numerous institutional and residual programs, yet the most valuable assets a worker can offer are abstract. Social workers are also supposed to educate people by giving them the skills to sustain themselves in society long after they have received their services. By empowering and teaching, social workers uplift and provide opportunity to those who are striving for more. Whether we know it or not, we all have an engrained sense to help others. For some, it fades as we grow older, and for others, it only grows stronger. I’ve always loved lending a helping hand; I’d like to think I get the trait from my mother. Growing up as a young child, I knew I wanted to help people and give back when I became an adult. The occupation that would aid in completing my commendable task changed quite frequently. At one point or another I dreamt of becoming a teacher, interior decorator, paralegal, and thenShow MoreRelatedSocial Work As a Profession685 Words  | 3 PagesChoosing social work as my future profession was a decision I made after much reflection, considering the fact that more than just a profession, social work is a vocation that I must commit to, professionally and personally. 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